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Beth Goodrich

Beth Goodrich


portrait of person with blue glasses earring and scarf in white shirt posing against a br
ACC Staff

Beth Goodrich joined ACC as the librarian in 2017.  She manages the library, archives, and digital collections for the organization and provides research and reference support for ACC staff, members, and the public.  Beth received her BA in theatre arts and communications from Kalamazoo College in Michigan and her MLIS (with a concentration in information organization) from the University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee. She has worked with a number of repositories in the Twin Cities, including Hennepin County Library, the Minnesota Digital Library at Minitex, and the American Swedish Institute. Prior to entering the library field, Goodrich was a dressmaker and designer of bridal and evening gowns. Outside of the library she enjoys reading, sewing, and experimenting in the kitchen with the bounty of the garden.

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