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Board of Trustees

Board of Trustees

The American Craft Council is governed by a board of trustees responsible for the policies, programs, and fiduciary well-being of the organization. Trustees are drawn from the spectrum of the craft community and allied professions. Meeting twice each year, they serve a three-year term and may be reelected for one additional three-year term or up to three special one-year terms. Trustees elect the officers of the board: the chair, vice chair, secretary, and treasurer. These elected officers and chairs of various committees form the executive committee of the board, which meets several times during the year.

Fiscal Year 2024 Officers

Gary J. Smith, Chair
San Francisco, California

Preeti Gopinath, Vice Chair
Astoria, New York

Lynn Pollard, Treasurer
Atlanta, Georgia

Kristin Mitsu Shiga, Secretary
Kealakekua, Hawai'i

Greg Bullard
San Francisco, California

Pearl Dick
Chicago, Illinois

Mario Garcia Durham
Washington, DC

Rachel K. Garceau
Palmetto, Georgia

Harriett Green
Columbia, South Carolina

Diane Hofstede
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hannah Jacobson Blumenfeld
Santa Barbara, California

Leslie King Hammond, PhD
Baltimore, Maryland

Thomas Loeser
Madison, Wisconsin

Joseph P. Logan
Winston-Salem, North Carolina

Robert Lynch
Washington, DC

Sara Owen McDonnell
Charlotte, North Carolina

Seymour Mondshein
Stockton, New Jersey

Darryl Patterson
Baltimore, Maryland

Bruce W. Pepich
Racine, Wisconsin

James Rustad
St. Paul, Minnesota

Woodie Wisebram
Atlanta, Georgia

Life Trustees

Leilani Lattin Duke
Pacific Palisades, California

Stoney Lamar
Saluda, North Carolina

Marlin Miller
Reading, Pennsylvania

Sara S. Morgan
Houston, Texas

Thomas Turner
Kalamazoo, Michigan

Barbara Waldman
San Francisco, California