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Support the Library

Support the Library

Two researchers looking at a book together in library stacks.

The mission of the American Craft Council Library & Archive is to support and promote, protect, and preserve American craft stories and documents for study and research by students, curators, historians, and the general public.

The Friends of the ACC Library & Archives provide financial support to preserve, maintain, and expand the premiere craft library’s material and electronic resources available to the community. We encourage Friends of the ACC Library & Archives to also be members of the American Craft Council.

Donors of $1000 and greater will become members of the Craft Champion's Circle. Craft Champion's Circle members are invited to special events, tours, and receive periodic updates from ACC's Executive Director, Andrea Specht. Donors of $15,000 and greater, including those who designate the ACC Library & Archives at this level in their will or estate plan, will receive permanent recognition as Benefactors of the Friends of the ACC Library & Archives.

Friends of the ACC Library & Archives Membership Levels

$10,000 • Renewable Annually

  • Recognition on the donor wall in the ACC Library & Archives
  • VIP access to events hosted by the ACC Library & Archives Committee
  • Includes a book with a name plate for the ACC Library & Archives
  • Listing in ACC annual report at giving level
  • Listing in American Craft magazine
  • Membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)

$5,000 • Renewable Annually

  • Recognition on the donor wall in the ACC Library & Archives
  • VIP access to events hosted by the ACC Library & Archives Committee
  • Includes a book with a name plate for the ACC Library & Archives
  • Listing in ACC annual report at giving level
  • Listing in American Craft magazine
  • Membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)

$2,500 • Renewable Annually

  • Recognition on the donor wall in the ACC Library & Archives
  • VIP access to events hosted by the ACC Library & Archives Committee
  • Includes a book with a name plate for the ACC Library & Archives
  • Listing in ACC annual report at giving level
  • Membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)

$1,000 • Renewable Annually

  • Recognition on the donor wall in the ACC Library & Archives
  • VIP access to events hosted by the ACC Library & Archives Committee
  • Includes a book with a name plate for the ACC Library & Archives
  • Listing in ACC annual report at giving level
  • Membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)

$500 • Renewable Annually

  • Recognition on the donor wall in the ACC Library & Archives
  • VIP access to events hosted by the ACC Library & Archives Committee
  • Includes a book with a name plate for the ACC Library & Archives
  • Listing in ACC annual report at giving level
  • Membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)

$100 • Renewable Annually

  • Includes a periodical purchase for the library in your honor
  • Membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)

$60 • Renewable Annually

  • Includes a periodical purchase for the library in your honor
  • Membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)

$40 Student Membership • Renewable Annually

  • Includes a periodical purchase for the library in your honor
  • Student-level membership in the American Craft Council (includes American Craft magazine)
researcher in a library studying black and white photos on a desk