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Terms of Use

Terms of Use

Copyright Statement and Terms of Use

Copyright Restrictions
The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Under certain conditions specified in the law, libraries and archives are authorized to furnish a photocopy or other reproduction. One of these specified conditions is that the photocopy or reproduction is not to be "used for any purpose other than private study, scholarship, or research." If a user makes a request for, or later uses, a photocopy or reproduction for purposes in excess of "fair use," that user may be liable for copyright infringement. This institution reserves the right to refuse to accept a copying order if, in its judgment, fulfillment of the order would involve violation of copyright law. Please be sure you understand copyright and fair use law before using materials for publication, etc.

The American Craft Council reserves the right to limit the number of images digitized; to restrict the use or reproduction of rare, valuable, or fragile items; to ensure the use causes no determinable harm; to make special quotations on items involving unusual difficulty in copying; and to charge a higher cost than specified for reproduction of a small number of special items. The Council reserves the right to require a proof for approval before publication.

The American Craft Council gives no exclusive rights for the use of its materials. Permission is granted for a one-time use only. Any subsequent use of an image requires the written permission of the Council and the payment of additional fees.

Terms of Use of Images for Publication
The Council requires that the user agrees:

  • to use the specified images only once and then only for the purpose stated, and
  • to offer the Council a master TIFF digital file of any image(s) digitized, and
  • to credit each individual reproduction to “American Craft Council,” or “American Craft Council Library & Archives” as specified, and
  • to make advance payment to the Council of any use fees, and
  • not to use or authorize others to use the image for any purpose differing from the specific use stated without written permission from the American Craft Council, and
  • to provide the Council, at the Council's request, a complimentary copy of any publication or production using Council images.

Fee Categories

Reproduction/Processing Fees

Dimensions and type of copy

Fee (per image)

Photocopies: if the patron makes their own photocopies

$0.15 each

Photocopies: if Council staff makes the copies for the patron

$0.25 each

Digital image scan: required if the Council does not already have a digital image file for a requested item

Up to 10 pages at no charge; $2 per page additional over 10 pages

Digital image file copy: high-resolution master file (usually a tiff), @ minimum 300 dpi (Note: this is in addition to the digital image scan fee)


CD delivery of digital images

$5 plus shipping

Image Use Fees (Per Image, Per use, Per Edition)
These fees are in addition to reproduction, handling, and mailing fees.

  • The Council charges no use fee for images solely used for personal research or display in a private home.
  • The Council charges no use fee for images solely used for non-commercial internal publication by not-for-profit*, government agencies, or by university presses; and by news media publishing newspaper articles, newscasts, or non-commercial documentaries about the Council.
  • Nonprofit organizations* are eligible for a 50% discount on category B-F use fees.
  • Customers ordering more than 10 images at a time are eligible for a 50% discount on use fees only.

* The Council requires written proof of non-profit status prior to filling the order.

Image Use Fee Categories



A. By any not-for-profit or government agency and by the authors of articles in scholarly journals/magazines/newsletters, teaching tools, reports, display, or similar use.


B. Interior use in a book (print or ebook), exhibition catalog, guide, brochure, or similar use.

Up to 5000 copies $30
5001-10,000 copies $50
10,001-50,000 copies $100
over 50,000 copies $175

C. In a published serial.

Up to 10,000 copies $30

10,001-50,000 copies $50
50,001-100,000 copies $100
over 100,000 copies $200

D. In a DVD, CD, or videotape.

Up to 1000 copies $35
1001-5000 copies $100
over 5000 copies $150

E. Postcards, posters, T-shirts, calendars, mouse pads and/or other non-paper merchandise.

Contact ACC staff for quote, [email protected]

F. On the Web.

$75 for first image, $25 for each additional image, per site

The allowable resolution for display is not to exceed 150 dpi or 600 pixels across the long side, whichever is smaller.

G. Other use:

  • Non-licensed commercial decorative display (offices, stores, restaurants, public areas, events)


  • Book jacket/magazine cover (1-10,000 copies; ask ahead for prices on larger runs)

Up to 10,000 copies $200
Over 10,000 copies $250

  • Commercial motion picture or television broadcast (one-time use only)

$250 first airing
$200 each additional airing

  • Non-commercial motion picture or television (e.g., PBS) broadcast

$150 for all airings

  • In a formal exhibition display


  • Advertising kits and/or press kits


  • Archival film footage

Less than 1 minute $150
1-5 minutes $250
over 5 minutes $500

Handling/Shipping Fees
Handling/mailing fee is $5 per mailing in the U.S. and Canada; $10 minimum if mailed outside the US and Canada. (Fee is waived if you pick up the product at the ACC Library.)

Research Fees
Council staff understand that researchers cannot always come to use the library and its resources in person. We encourage you to conduct as much research online as possible, however, if research by a library staff person is needed we encourage phone (612-206-3118) and email ([email protected]) inquiries. For research requests requiring more than 30 minutes of staff time, a research fee will be assessed at $20 per ½ hour for members (members must specify their membership status at the time of request) or $30 per ½ hour for non-members.

Revised 8/1/2022 by Beth Goodrich