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February/March 2012

February/March 2012

February/March 2012 Cover

Feature Articles

The Body Eloquent

For Cristina Córdova, the expressive potential of the human form knows no bounds.


From his beginnings as an artist, Jim Rose has stayed open to influence. The result is furniture that stands apart.


Basketmaker Debora Muhl turns sweetgrass into sculpture, deconstructing traditional forms into twisting, wild works.

Glass' Big Bang

Fifty years ago, the American studio glass movement was sparked. The world has never been the same.

More from This Issue

Nebula bracelet

A Light Touch

At first glance, Lara Knutson's sculptural objects and jewelry might appear muted. Then the light hits them.
Craft Inc.

Business for The Artist

Craft Inc. offers a path to a craft-centric life based on that most prosaic of ambitions: making a living.
Dante Marioni and Preston Singletary

Good Chemistry

Longtime pals Dante Marioni and Preston Singletary blend their divergent styles in a new body of work.
Andrea Haffner large pendant

Nature Squared

ACC show artist Andrea Haffner is known for her evocative compositions of natural materials.
Sarah Jaeger

Patronage, Big and Small

In 2010, Ehren Tool got an unsolicited email, inviting him to apply for a large, no-strings cash prize.
The Pot Book

Pot Luck

Why did Edmund de Waal take on this book?
Plumb Bob by Harriet Bart

Raised Ink

“Today the fine press book is thriving.” These words greeted visitors to “Fine & Dirty: Contemporary Letterpress Art.”
Imogen Margrie Porcelain Fish

The Caribbean

On the islands of the West Indies, functional tradition and artistic innovation mingle.

When Beauty Is Suspect

The more you know about an art form, the more skeptical you tend to become of its seductive qualities.