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Te Selle Pottery

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Okcha TeSelle gallery 2 of 5
Okcha TeSelle gallery 3 of 5
Okcha TeSelle gallery 4 of 5
Okcha TeSelle gallery 5 of 5
When I started creating the piece “Mother”, I wanted to create a piece that represented the image of mothers. I started by throwing a tall cylinder and shaped it into a round vase. Then I proceeded in creating the lid that represented a crowned head by throwing a simple lid with round ball attachment and a hand pulled crown on top. Once the vase was bone dry, I brushed on three coats of thin slip called terra sigillata. Both top and bottom were pit fired, but top was fired in aluminum sagar.
Te Selle Pottery

Purcellville, VA 20132
United States

New to ACC Wholesale