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Nicki Voss gallery 1 of 5
Nicki Voss gallery 2 of 5
Nicki Voss gallery 3 of 5
Nicki Voss gallery 4 of 5
Nicki Voss gallery 5 of 5
I am a visual artist based in California. My current work in textiles is characterized by a fascination with mapping, geometry, geography, and color. I love the duality of the quilt form; it is a familiar object of comfort and equally an object for visual stimulation. It is this precise juxtaposition—is it this or is it that—that I am drawn to. I am captivated by the concept of a visual twofold. I maintain a teaching practice, and hold a certificate and bachelors and masters degrees in art.

Santa Clarita, CA 91355
United States

Fiber and Textiles
Emerging Artist