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Benyo Pottery

Kristin Schoonover gallery 1 of 5
Kristin Schoonover gallery 2 of 5
Kristin Schoonover gallery 3 of 5
Kristin Schoonover gallery 4 of 5
Kristin Schoonover gallery 5 of 5
I make highly decorated functional pottery with pattern and color. All of the color is added by layering thick, colored slips over hand-cut paper stencils. All pieces are finished with a black wash and clear glaze. Handcrafted items enhance our daily lives by giving us all a moment to stop and appreciate someone else's time and view. The objects are uniquely to the artist, and the new owner brings it into a fresh setting and interacts with it in a different way.
Benyo Pottery

Asheville, NC 28803
United States
