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The Week in Craft: June 28, 2017

Your weekly dose of links about craft, art, design, and whatever else we’re excited about sharing.

The Week in Craft: June 28, 2017

Your weekly dose of links about craft, art, design, and whatever else we’re excited about sharing.
Justyna Wolodkiewicz 3D Embroidery

Justyna Wolodkiewicz jazzes up her embroidery hoops with three-dimensional elements.

Courtesy of the artist

We’re loving these wonderful three-dimensional embroidery hoop sculptures by Justyna Wolodkiewicz.

Etsy has announced the company would cut another 140 jobs, or 15 percent of its workforce. This follows a reduction of 90 jobs in May.

British felt artist Lucy Sparrow’s recent work fills an entire convenience store with handmade felt goods.

This Paris shop uses food remains as dye for eco-friendly textiles.

Former Hip Pop artist, Sarah Marriage, is raising money for for A Workshop of Our Own, a woodworking environment for women and non-gender conforming craftspeople. The campaign has six more days to reach WOO's $100,000 goal. Donate now!

Can you make your own repeat patterns? This Julia Rothman video says yes.

If you love letterpress, you'll enjoy this video from the Woodside Press in Brooklyn.

Cynthia Delaney Suwito shows off her talent by knitting using instant noodles instead of yarn.

Rebecca Szeto pays homage to woman, known and unknown, in these paintbrush-handle portraits.

The Center for Craft, Creativity, & Design is now offering up to $15,000 Craft Research Fund grants – application are due this fall.

Jewelry for the modern linguist: Check out this pendant featuring words from 1,000 languages.

The Muskegon Museum of Art is looking for a new executive director.

After more than 50 years, Synderman-Works Gallery is closing. Owners Ruth and Rick Snyderman have announced they'll be continuing their careers as art consultants. 
