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The Week in Craft: January 18, 2017

The Week in Craft: January 18, 2017

Huntz Liu, Portal (detail)

Huntz Liu creates stunningly colorful geometric designs from cut paper.

Courtesy of the artist

Huntz Liu’s amazing geometric layers of cut paper are mesmerizing.

What a way to travel! This man knits sweaters depicting landmarks of the places he visits and takes selfies of himself wearing them in front of those monuments.

American ceramics historians are excited by the find of a white punch bowl, determined to be hard-paste porcelain from the 18th century, and the earliest piece of true hard porcelain in America.

Take a look at the public art mosaics commissioned for New York’s Second Avenue Subway line with C-File.

Huntz Liu, Portal

Huntz Liu, "Portal"

Courtesy of the artist

It’s not technically craft, but we like to celebrate those that celebrate craft: Check out these wonderful paintings of craftspeople by British artist Rob Pointon.

Twelve artists plumb the depths of ceramics as a performance art.

The amazingly textured works of sculptor Carl D'Alvia.

Read about furniture designer Paul Evans, the darling of celebrity collectors, and what Rago hopes is his $500,000 cabinet.

The focus of the Center for Craft, Creativity, and Design’s spring exhibition hits close to home: CCCD curatorial fellows, Elizabeth Essner, Lily Kane, and Meaghan Roddy created an exhibition based on ACC’s own former publication Craft Horizons, the show will be up January 20 through May 20.

The Atlanta arts organization South Arts is presenting their first annual South Arts State Fellowship and Southern Prize and applications are due on January 20.

We've lost a wonderful artist and friend: Textile artist and ACC show artist Randall Darwall has died.

The Week in Craft is your weekly dose of links about craft, art, design, and whatever else we're excited about sharing.
