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Video: Library Salon Series featuring Anna Mlasowsky

Video: Library Salon Series featuring Anna Mlasowsky

Anna Mlasowsky The Tower

We were blown away by Anna Mlasowsky's Library Salon Series talk in Minneapolis on May 9. The glass and installation artist is originally from Germany, but currently works and lives in Seattle. She was also one of four finalists for ACC's 2017 Emerging Voices Awards.

In a truly inspiring artist talk, she led us through a progression of her work and how the questions she grapples with often turn up in her pieces. Using glass as both a medium of expression and a tool for research, Mlasowsky makes work that is thoughtful, contemplative, and very experiential.

If you missed the talk, please take a minute to hear about her work in her own words.

ACC's Emerging Voices Awards are made possible by the generous support of the John and Robyn Horn Foundation.


