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Meditative craft to keep us connected

Meditative craft to keep us connected

Meditative Craft blog cover image hands shaping clay on a wheel

Craft is powerful in that it can help us slow down, de-stress, and engage more deeply with the world around us. Every Wednesday, we share opportunities to appreciate making for its meditative qualities.

This is our first post in this series, and it comes as we work to adjust our lifestyles to help slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities. We hope these resources help us stay connected through this time of change.

Meditations to ease the artist's mind

If the recent shift into social distancing has been stressing you out, you may find these mindfulness techniques from Artwork Archive helpful. They're geared specifically for artists.

A podcast with a call to connect

Practice distant socializing and don't forget to ask your friends and colleagues, "how are you?" This episode of Perceived Value reminds us there are others out there to listen to right now.

Cross-stitch to change your mood – and mind

De-stress with humor. After all, laughter is good medicine. 3rd Daughter, Restless Daughter takes wit, humor, and subversive cross-stitch to the next level.

Caring with the collective in mind

Remember that community care is as important as self-care. Some good healing tips here from the NDN Collective on "Decolonizing Community Care in Response to COVID-19."

Mindful and meditative poetry

Lean into healing crafts and "wash your hands." Enjoy this poetry from the incredible apothecary practitioner, Dori Midnight.


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