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Make Room Designer Spotlight: Sarah Antonieta

Make Room Designer Spotlight: Sarah Antonieta

Sarah Antonieta

Sarah Antonieta

Courtesy of the designer

What's your company name? 
Bmore Chic

What's your favorite design tip?
A clear and purposeful physical space creates a clear and purposeful mental space. Your home should be your oasis, somewhere you can get away and relax from the stress of the day.

What color did you choose and why?
I chose pink because it is a color that has been beloved by many millennials. It’s a tricky color to use, and there is a fine line between tacky and chic when decorating your home with this beautiful color, and I love a challenge. I also chose pink because I love the meaning of pink. It can be used to emanate feelings of compassion, caring, understanding, and, what else but love and romance. It is a mixture of the colors red and white, meaning that it derives qualities from both of these colors. It takes from red its arousing and passionate side of love and romance. While from white, it obtains the lighter sense of purity, innocence, hope, and openness. Dare to think pink, and I promise it will pay off.

What’s your vision for the space?
I want this space to be an oasis. A place you can see as an escape from the stress of everyday life. Using vibrant tones of pink will no doubt make you feel relaxed and alleviate anger, aggressiveness and stress.

Who are your ACC show artist picks, and why are you featuring those particular objects?
I was attracted to the crafts that are featured in my vignette because of their bright and vibrant hues. These are the perfect pops of pink to add to a carefully curated room that is chic and modern. The Kenny Pieper piece (left) has a beautiful and alluring shape, drawing your eye to its smooth curves and design. The Pavel Novak piece (right) is a bit more sharp and direct; its angles are ever changing and give you a chance to look at the piece in many different ways. I love both of these pieces and how the artists decided to execute their visions using this bright color.

Sarah Antonieta collage