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Glass Guy's Big Week

Glass Guy's Big Week

Fred Kaemmer glass

Interior texture is key to many of Kaemmer's vessels.

As the ACC’s show in St. Paul nears, one artist on my list to see is Fred Kaemmer, whose glass vessels celebrate both color and texture. Kaemmer is known for interesting effects on the interior of his vessels – contrasting threads and pebbles, gold and silver leaf. And he's not only at the St. Paul show this week, but also part of an award-winning broadcast series on artists.

If you can’t be at the show but live in the Twin Cities area, check out Kaemmer on a new episode of Minnesota Originals on TPT, the local public TV station. If you don’t live nearby, you can watch the Kaemmer segment and see bonus content on the Minnesota Originals website after the April 16 airing.
