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The New Domestics: Finding Beauty in the Mundane

The New Domestics: Finding Beauty in the Mundane

Start date

Thursday, September 13, 2018, 6:00am

End date

Sunday, October 28, 2018, 12:00pm


Monterey Museum of Art

559 Pacific St.
Monterey , CA 93940
United States

"The New Domestics," guest curated by Gail Enns, examines topical issues currently explored from coast to coast and globally in the art world through the use of unconventional mediums in various media and forms. Bay Area artists Mitra Fabian, Susan Abbot Martin, Victoria May, Maria Porges, Katherine Sherwood, Judy Shintani, Lisa Solomon, and the Temple Sisters utilize domestic and quite ordinary materials to generate art objects that conceptually and formally belie their humble origins. The exhibition questions societal ideals of beauty and usefulness, gender, identity, and politics through the use of materials and processes previously identified with the “craft world.”