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Intimate/Intricate/Radical: Polly Barton Weavings

Intimate/Intricate/Radical: Polly Barton Weavings

Start date

Thursday, October 25, 2018, 12:00pm

End date

Sunday, November 25, 2018, 11:00am


Gravers Lane Gallery

8405 Germantown Ave.
Philadelphia , PA 19118
United States

Polly Barton was trained by master weaver Tomohiko Inoue in 1981, in the heart of the religious community of Oomoto in Kameoka, Japan. Barton has been using ikat as the means for expressing her gesture of threads in woven silk drawings and paintings ever since. She weaves on an ancient kimono loom and works primarily in silk, although a few of the pieces in this show use a new Japanese fiber of silk spun around a copper core.