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Box Making for Artists Workshop with Melissa Wagner-Lawler

Box Making for Artists Workshop with Melissa Wagner-Lawler

Start date

Monday, July 13, 2020, 4:00am

End date

Thursday, July 16, 2020, 11:00am


Peninsula School of Art

3900 County Road F
Fish Creek, WI 54212
United States

Whether you're interested in creating a space to keep an artist book, your prints, or other ephemera you've created or collected, this workshop offers an introduction to building and covering box structures. Learn how to design and assemble a clamshell portfolio box, slip case, and specimen box.

Focusing on a different type of box each day, demonstrations and instructor-led exercises build skill progressively. Gain hands-on practice selecting materials, such as book cloth and decorative paper, and using proper technique to build and cover boxes. Melissa provides individualized instruction and feedback throughout the making process, as well as in-progress and final critiques. Open to all levels.